Khardungla INStructions
Originally uploaded by ankur_gupta10.
Read the board for some Introduction to Ladakh. Some important instructions and points to note.
You would be able to read the board after clicking on all size button the flickr page.
Few friends describing how Leh happens... The thoughts... The plans... The preperations... The checklists... The feeling... read on...
Read the board for some Introduction to Ladakh. Some important instructions and points to note.
You would be able to read the board after clicking on all size button the flickr page.
Magnetic Hill came just a few kilometers outside Leh on our Leh--shrinagar trip. Somehow prashant knew about this hill but we were not sure wheter such a thing really exists.. or can it even exist. I thought it to be some rumor. Then we asked the driver and he confirmed that such a place exists and then i got even more confused.
When we reached the place I was still very sceptic, then we parked the vehicle in the spot that was marked on the road, and as soon as the driver started the Sumo, it started moving ahead uphill...
For the cynics, i have the video, this is RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!
On our way from Leh to Shrinagar was Kargil and Drass. The memories of the Kargil war came to mind. At some stretches along the road, there was a sign board "You are being watched by the enemy".
The Army learning from the previous war now has many weapons and positions that can are shaded from the hills under the control of pakistan. Then came Drass, the driver told us of about the peaks all around, tiger hill, Tololing etc.
More details on the war at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Kargil_Conflict
Check out pics of Kargil and Drass..Deepu/prashant can u give the links to your pics?/
Here is the complete gang that went to leh..i don't think we would have a better pic than this of the entire group for the trip..
on our way from Leh to Shrinagar came the Zojila pass. When we saw the Board for Zojila pass we wondered " Why is this pass so famous?" The altitude is not that high. The slopes not all that dangerous.
When we moved further ahead of the Zojila pass board we understood why the Zojila pass is so INfamous. The road is not good. The slopes very steep on the sides. I can imagine how dangerous it would be under Snow/Rains.
Our driver told us of a recent truck accident at Zojila. It was a fuel truck, about half filled. Somewhere along the slope the truck jerked , due to being half filled the fuel exerted a backward push and the driver was not able to control the truck and it crashed down the slope....