Magnetic Hill
Originally uploaded by ankur_gupta10.
Magnetic Hill came just a few kilometers outside Leh on our Leh--shrinagar trip. Somehow prashant knew about this hill but we were not sure wheter such a thing really exists.. or can it even exist. I thought it to be some rumor. Then we asked the driver and he confirmed that such a place exists and then i got even more confused.
When we reached the place I was still very sceptic, then we parked the vehicle in the spot that was marked on the road, and as soon as the driver started the Sumo, it started moving ahead uphill...
For the cynics, i have the video, this is RIPLEY'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT!!!
I want to see the video! :O
it sure is :)
"Magnetic Hill" redirects here. For other uses, see Magnetic Hill (disambiguation).
"Mystery Hill" redirects here. For other uses, see Mystery Hill (disambiguation).
Magnetic Hill in Ladakh, India
A gravity hill, also known as a magnetic hill (and sometimes a mystery hill or a gravity road), is a place where the layout of the surrounding land produces the optical illusion that a very slight downhill slope appears to be an uphill slope. Thus, a car left out of gear will appear to be rolling uphill.[1]
There are hundreds of gravity hill locations around the world. See list of magnetic hills.
[edit] Explanation
The slope of gravity hills is an optical illusion, although tour guides may claim natural or even supernatural forces are at work. The most important factor contributing to the illusion is a completely or mostly obstructed horizon; without a horizon, judging the slope of a surface is difficult as a reliable reference is missing. Objects one would normally assume to be more-or-less perpendicular to the ground (such as trees) may actually be leaning, offsetting the visual reference. The illusion is similar to the well-known Ames room, in which balls can also appear to roll against gravity.
Websites devoted to the paranormal also tend to give names like "Haunted Hill", "Magnetic Hill", or "Anti-gravity Hill", reflecting attribution of the properties of the area to the supernatural or magnetism.
Magnetic hill is such a mysterious place in the ladakh , where vehicle
moves magically . that is a beautiful experience . Kashmir Tour Packages
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