Zojila Pass
Originally uploaded by ankur_gupta10.
on our way from Leh to Shrinagar came the Zojila pass. When we saw the Board for Zojila pass we wondered " Why is this pass so famous?" The altitude is not that high. The slopes not all that dangerous.
When we moved further ahead of the Zojila pass board we understood why the Zojila pass is so INfamous. The road is not good. The slopes very steep on the sides. I can imagine how dangerous it would be under Snow/Rains.
Our driver told us of a recent truck accident at Zojila. It was a fuel truck, about half filled. Somewhere along the slope the truck jerked , due to being half filled the fuel exerted a backward push and the driver was not able to control the truck and it crashed down the slope....
The story gave you creeps?! I sure would get...if I was there :|
@rohit - this was the only pass that scared me...dont know abt the rest..
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